Frequently Asked Questions

Is Profit30minute a registered company?
Yes, Profit30minute is registered in the UK as "MINUTEGO LTD" with Registration Number: #11796746. You can verify our information on the UK Companies House website.
How does Profit30minute earn profits for its members?
Profit30minute is managed by our experienced team of cryptocurrency experts. We are involved in cryptocurrency trading and mining and use this platform to share our profits with our members.
How can I register a new account?
To register a new account, simply click the "Sign Up" button and fill out the required information.
How can I contact your support?
You can contact our support through our support form, email, or live chat. You can access these on our Support Page
What deposit methods are accepted?
We currently only accept deposits using Usdt,Tron,Bitcoin,Bitcoin Cash,Litecoin,Ethereum,Dogecoin and more.
What is the minimum and maximum deposit amounts?
The minimum deposit is 10 USD and the maximum is 500 USD.
On what days does my deposit earn returns?
Your deposit earns in 3 minutes.
Is there a limit to how many deposits I can make?
No, there is no limits to how many deposits you can make.
How long does my deposit take to be added to my account?
Your deposit is automatically added after 3 confirmations on the network for crypto currencies and for perfect money it is instant.
Can I get back my initial deposit?
Yes,you will get back your deposit.
When will the first daily earnings be added to my account?
The first daily earnings will be added exactly 30 minutes after your deposit has been added
Can I make a deposit directly from my account balance?
Yes, you can reinvest the balance if the amount is greater than or equal to our minimum deposit: 10 USD. To make a deposit from your account balance, simply login to your account, click the "DEPOSIT" button on the top dashboard and select "SPEND FROM ACCOUNT BALANCE".
My deposit doesn't appear in the list of active deposits in my account. What should I do?
BTC deposits will be added automatically after 3 confirmations, which can take minutes or hours depending on the transaction fee included and traffic on the network. If your deposit doesn't appear after 3 confirmations on the blockchain network, please contact our support team with the following information: username, amount sent, date and time, and transaction batch number.

I haven't received my daily earnings. What should I do now?
You should receive earnings for each deposit 30 Minutes after investing. Please note that if you have made multiple deposits, each deposit is treated separately. Please wait 30 Minutes and check your transactions history by clicking "Transactions" on the top dashboard. If your transaction hasn't be added, please contact our support and provide details of your deposit.
Are withdrawals processed instantly or manually?
Withdrawals are processed instantly.
What is the minimum and maximum withdrawal amount?
The minimum withdrawal amount is 0.01 USD
Is there a limit to how often I can withdraw?
No, there is no limit to how often you can request a withdrawal. As long as you have available funds in your account balance, you can request a withdrawal.
Do you charge a withdrawal fee?
No, we do not charge any fees for withdrawals.
How can I withdraw funds?
Log in to your account using your username and password, click the "Withdraw" button on the top dashboard, select Bitcoin, enter your amount and click the "Request" button.
How can I change my withdrawal address?
Go to account settings and set your e currency wallet address.
What if I did not receive my withdrawal after it has been sent?
If your withdrawal has been requested and sent by our system, but you did not receive it yet, the problem could be a delay on the blockchain network. Please do not contact our support until at least 24 hours has passed without receiving your withdrawal.
Do you offer an affiliate program?
Yes. We offer our members an affiliate program with a 10%-3% and 2% commission for each deposit received from your referrals. This includes both the initial and any additional deposits made by your referrals.
How many tiers is the affiliate program?
Our affiliate program is only 3 tiers, 10%-3% and 2% for all referrals.
Do I need to make a deposit to join the affiliate program?
It is not necessary to make a deposit for get referrals commission.It is fully free earning method by our system.
Where can I find my referral link?
You can find your referral link by loggin into the member's area, and copying the link next to "YOUR PERSONAL AFFILIATE LINK".
Do you provide with advertising materials?
Yes, we have prepared a number of effective banners of various sizes. You can find them within your member area.
Can I make another account using my own referral link?
No, you are not allowed to refer yourself by making a new account using your referral link.
Can I refer my family and friends using my referral link?
Yes, you can refer your family and friends.
What security features does Profit30minute have?
The security of your funds and account is of top importance to us. Our site is protected by a 256-bit SSL certificate, as well as hosted on a DDOS protected dedicated server.
I can't login to my account, what should I do?
You should use the "Lost your password?" link on the login page to recover your password. If you still cannot recover your password or login to your account, please contact our support to help you.
How can I better secure my account?
You can better secure your account by turning on two-factor authentication. You can do this by logging into the member's area and clicking the "Security" button on the dashboard.